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Kherson Update: Shelling Continues

News Live Kherson residents evacuated from their homes after Russian bombs ceaselessly fly into the region.

Two weeks ago, Ukrainian forces valiantly liberated the Kherson region from Russian control, leading to celebrations across the city and a statement from Kyiv that such a significant victory marked the “beginning of the end” of the invasion.

However, Russia will not admit defeat in the region. Shelling has continued, destroying critical infrastructure that Ukrainian engineers are currently trying to rebuild. The same people smiling in Kherson’s town square just two weeks ago are now being evacuated from their homes under constant bomb threats. 

So far, the bombings have killed at least 32 Ukrainian civilians since Russian forces left on November 9. On their way out, Russian soldiers destroyed power plants and electric grids, which are necessary to survive the cold winter in Ukraine. Between shelling and freezing, the upcoming months will be hard on these innocent civilians. Moscow is overjoyed at the idea.

SARFAN community, we must not see this continued attack as a setback but rather as proof that Putin is threatened by the liberation of territories he has desperately tried and failed to occupy. He may send his bombs back into Ukraine where his soliders have been driven out running scared, but it is no match for the resiliency of the Ukrainian people and the backing they have from the global community.

The post Kherson Update: Shelling Continues first appeared on SARFAN.

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